We are thrilled to present the inaugural PIKOM CIO Conference 2023 organised by the PIKOM CIO Chapter (PCC).
Recognising the importance of sustainability as more organisations are starting to care about whether their funds are environmental, social and governance (ESG)-compliant, we decided to adopt the theme for the Conference – Elevating ESG with IT: Driving Sustainability and Responsibility in the Digital Age.
ESG requires a company’s deliberate and rational effort to ingrain social responsibility throughout its processes and to deliver accountability and transparency to stakeholders. Most CIOs will soon play a central role on their enterprise sustainability team, developing new technology solutions, services and IT/digital infrastructure and building critical data platforms to drive sustainable business strategy. ICT and digital technology can play a major role in delivering on ESG initiatives through the ESG goals of transparency, sustainability, workforce diversity, quality as well as vendor management.
REGISTER TO ATTEND and learn from early adopters how they have orchestrated the right technologies and practices to contribute to the company’s ESG goals, how they monitor and deliver on ESG KPIs with quality data and insight.
PIKOM CIO Chapter (PCC) Members: Complimentary seats limited to 2 per company Promo Code: PCC MEMBER Non-PCC Member & Others: RM350 per person
https://www.judgify.me/gbsawards2022If you haven’t already nominated an Individual or your Organization for the GBS Asia Awards, NOW is the time!
The GBS Malaysia Awards Committee is looking for the following deadly people; they are in your organization and community, working with you and they are influencing you and your organization in positive ways, so start nominating now. Let them know that they are doing a great job and show them how much you appreciate them.
It’s in reaching for the stars that we raise ourselves to the height of our potential.
So, hurry click NOMINATION HERE and start nominating now for the GBS Asia Awards 2022/2023!