My.iT magazine is primarily intended to serve the needs of the dynamic Digital Economy in Malaysia especially when it comes to voicing out the needs and concerns of the industry. This would also be a perfect opportunity for you to highlight your company’s achievements.
We are confident that being featured in this magazine will further enhance your company’s image and its contribution to the financial and digital economy.
We have attached a poster for you to click and read the magazine and past issues of the magazine. The magazine is also sold in major bookshops nationwide and distributed to all PIKOM members, Top Management of companies and relevant Government Ministries & Agencies.
The publication will be packed with news, relevant industry articles, opinion pieces and information as well as the latest industry updates and happenings.
Be a part of this essential and vibrant scene by advertising in My.iT, the voice of the Malaysian Digital Economy. Being seen in the My.IT magazine, your company will be perceived as one of the leaders in the ICT industry
We would like to invite you to be featured in our upcoming 2023 issues (March, June, September & December) of My. IT. The sponsorship cost is RM5,000 + 6% SST 2 pages of write up + 1 page advertisement.
Alternatively, we offer other packages. For only RM3500 Plus 6% SST you will have a full page advertisement and a full page write-up for one issue and if you take 4 issues you only pay RM2800 plus 6%SST per issue which will entitle you to another 4 issues of write up.
Attached is the advertisement rate card and order form for your confirmation. The booking deadline for March 2023 issue is 10th March 2023. Please contact V.S.Ganesan at 0123739422 for further enquiries
Don’t miss this opportunity. Looking forward to your reply.